Many people automatically associate a free wedding ceremony to an open air ceremony. And indeed, outdoor weddings are very often held outside, even if this is not a must. But if you also dream of getting married outdoors, I would like to give you a few tips in this article. freien Trauung automatisch eine Trauung im Freien, also unter freiem Himmel. Und tatsächlich finden freie Trauungen sehr oft draußen statt, auch wenn das natürlich überhaupt kein Muss ist. Wenn ihr aber auch davon träumt unter freiem Himmel zu heiraten, möchte ich euch mit diesem Beitrag ein paar Tipps mit auf den Weg geben.
First of all, of course, is the search for a suitable location. To do this, you have to think about what you want How about a wedding ceremony on the beach, for example? In a meadow? At the lake? In the forest? In the courtyard of a castle or palace? The possibilities are almost endless. But how do you find the right location? First of all, I would close my eyes and imagine my dream wedding. Where do you see yourselves? And then think about whether and how this can actually be realized. For a wedding in late fall, a beach wedding in the Netherlands is rather risky. A wedding in more southerly climes might make more sense (keyword: “destination wedding”). If one of you has a severe pollen allergy, a spring wedding in a meadow is probably not suitable... Unless you don't just want to shed tears of emotion. 😉 So here you need to find the right month or a somewhat less irritating environment. Have you basically decided on a location? Great! Then it's time to get down to business. Research where your dream wedding can best be realized. You can find a wide variety of wedding venues on the internet. Many sites also have compilations of locations in certain places. Or you can simply make an unsolicited enquiry to your dream location.
What you should pay attention to
First of all, the location you choose must of course offer enough space for all your guests. This is probably less of a problem on the beach or in a meadow, but in the courtyard of a castle or palace it might be. Power supply is also an issue for wedding speakers and musicians, especially for larger parties, so that even the last row can hear something. In addition, especially for weddings in Germany and the surrounding area, you should definitely make sure that there is an alternative for bad weather. Perhaps a barn nearby? Or can tents be set up? Is there a conservatory or another beautiful room? You also need to make sure that all the decorations are windproof or can at least be weighted down or tied up. Loose petals are beautiful, but of course it would be a shame if they blew away before the bride had even made her entrance.
Of course, it is ideal if your wedding guests are not exposed to the midday heat in the blazing sun. This is a real challenge, especially for the gentlemen in jackets... It's best to adjust the time accordingly or provide some shade. And if none of this is possible, your guests will certainly appreciate a few nice fans placed on the chairs or buckets of ice-cold drinks. Alternatively, you could set up a small bar near the wedding venue so that guests can have a drink directly before or after the ceremony. A little sun cream for adults and children and, if necessary, mosquito repellent spray should also be in the emergency basket. Also indicate in the invitation cards that the wedding ceremony is to take place outdoors. This way, guests can think about sun protection themselves in advance and perhaps choose a nice hat to go with their outfit.